slot88 Blogger Satellite
I sucked last night. I played terrible. I let a player at the table slot88to me, and that is one of my biggest leaks right now. I overplay hands at times when a player starts to get in my head.
I have player immediately to my left whos
url I do not know, lets just call him Joe. He reraised just about every raise I
made last night. I could not steal, and knew that any marginal hand was going
to cost me to play.
After the first break I decided I was just
going to wait it out and trap him. Good plan, horrible execution. I am in the
SB with AJd. Its folded around to the player one off the cutoff. He raises 3
times the big blind. Now I know Joe is going to reraise, because he always
reraises any threat to his BB, so I call the cutoffs raise, sure enough, Joe
reraises, the initial raiser calls, and I reraise to put the original raiser
all-in. Joe calls the reraise which is ok, I expected him to, but so does the
original raiser. Oops. I dont remember what each player had, but the original
raiser had the best hand, I had second best and Joe had the third. The board
didnt change any of that, both Joe and I had the original raiser covered, so we
were still in it.
That was stupid, I was so focused on trying
to get rid of the pain in the ass on my left that I completely ignored the
original raiser. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
A few hands later I am still a bit upset
with how I played that hand, and do something just as dumb to completely
cripple myself to less than 3 BB worth of chips. I am dealt wired 8's. I raise
4 times the big blind. Its folded to the BB(I dont remember who this was) who
reraises me. I know he hasnt played alot of hands lately, but somehow convince
myself that he is making a play on me. I reraise him all-in. Of course he calls
and shows KK, and I knew the reraise was dumb before I even did it, but my
frustration of Joe constantly reraising came out here. I think that my thought
process wast that they have seen Joe reraise me off hands and I didnt want
everyone starting to do it to me. Two horrible plays because I couldnt control
my emotions and bam, knocked out in 36th.
I really need to work on controling myself
at the table. I know I am making a bad play, but just make it anyhow out of
sheer frustration. I need to remember that the best players can remove
themselves emotionally from the game, if I can ever get to that point, I may
become a competent player.
Ok, I really want to play in the WPBT
Summer tourney in Vegas. Unfortunately, I forgot the date and agreed to play
show on July 8th here in Milwaukee. I finally realized this a couple of days
ago and have been trying to get the show rescheduled. No such luck. Apparently
this place is hard to get into, our guitarist signed the contract with the
agent who then signed the contract with the club. Some conversations have taken
place, but it comes down to the fact that we can not reschedule the show. Damn!
My options now are to:
Forget about the Summer Classic and play
the show here in Milwaukee. (Sounds resonable, but; I have planned to go to
Vegas in July anyhow, and I think it would be a lot more fun with a bunch of
bloggers around)
Tell the band that I cant make the show,
and hope they can find a replacement for me for that day. (I think this might
piss them off just slightly, but, we are pretty tight, so I think they wont
have a huge problem with it)
Screw it all and just sleep through that
day, because no matter what I choose, I will be thinking about the other on
that day.
If anyone knows any bass players in
Milwaukee that might be able to fill in for me on July 8th, let me know.
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