slot88 Blogger Satellite
I sucked last night. I played terrible. I let a player at the table slot88 to me, and that is one of my biggest leaks right now. I overplay hands at times when a player starts to get in my head. I have player immediately to my left whos url I do not know, lets just call him Joe. He reraised just about every raise I made last night. I could not steal, and knew that any marginal hand was going to cost me to play. After the first break I decided I was just going to wait it out and trap him. Good plan, horrible execution. I am in the SB with AJd. Its folded around to the player one off the cutoff. He raises 3 times the big blind. Now I know Joe is going to reraise, because he always reraises any threat to his BB, so I call the cutoffs raise, sure enough, Joe reraises, the initial raiser calls, and I reraise to put the original raiser all-in. Joe calls the reraise which is ok, I expected him to, but so does the original raiser. Oops. I dont remember what each player had, but the o...